
Anna Nicole Smith

I'm guessing everyone heard to news. I was working at the time and saw at the spanish news show, " El Gordo y la Flace" ( The fat man and Skinny lady) something like that. It's a spanish thing. Yeah.

ANywhoooo, I was heart broken. I have seen her and know her history and stuff, I hurts that she has been through some hard situations.

I don't care, But Jesus loves the worst of sinners. I just pray that God has mercy on her.

I have a habbit of praying for wrestlers, actors and people in high places.
The bottom line is We are all humans. We all have feelings, problems, happiness, etc, etc.

what u guys think?

Praise God!!!


Top Ten Reasons Eve Was Created

10. God was worried that Adam would frequently become lost in the garden because he would not ask for directions.

9. God knew that one day Adam would require someone to locate and hand him the remote.

8. God knew Adam would never go out and buy himself a new fig leaf when his wore out and would therefore need Eve to buy one for him.

7. God knew Adam would never be able to make a doctor's, dentist, or haircut appointment for himself.

6. God knew Adam would never remember which night to put the garbage on the curb.

5. God knew if the world was to be populated, men would never be able to handle the pain and discomfort of childbearing.

4. As the Keeper of the Garden, Adam would never remember where he left his tools.

3. Apparently, Adam needed someone to blame his troubles on when God caught him hiding in the garden.

2. As the Bible says, It is not good for man to be alone! And finally, the Number 1 reason why God created Eve . .

1. When God finished the creation of Adam, He stepped back, scratched his head, and said, "I can do better than that."

now that's the truth. This is for all my lady friends. ;)


Christian Bear

An atheist man was hiking in the mountains, but suddenly a bear appeared and attacked the man. Just before the bear was about to Strike, The man called on the name of God. "Please Help me, if you listen to me once, I will believe in you".

All of a sudden a bright cloud appeared before him and said, "Why should I help you? You persecuted my people, and never believed that I existed".

The man thought to himself maybe I will just ask him to make the bear a Christian then I don't owe Him anything and the bear will be good and spare my life.

God said, "Your prayer has been granted."

Suddenly the bear raiseed his both arm and said " Thank you Lord for an awesome meal that you have given me"!!