Anna Nicole Smith
I'm guessing everyone heard to news. I was working at the time and saw at the spanish news show, " El Gordo y la Flace" ( The fat man and Skinny lady) something like that. It's a spanish thing. Yeah.
ANywhoooo, I was heart broken. I have seen her and know her history and stuff, I hurts that she has been through some hard situations.
I don't care, But Jesus loves the worst of sinners. I just pray that God has mercy on her.
I have a habbit of praying for wrestlers, actors and people in high places.
The bottom line is We are all humans. We all have feelings, problems, happiness, etc, etc.
what u guys think?
Praise God!!!
ANywhoooo, I was heart broken. I have seen her and know her history and stuff, I hurts that she has been through some hard situations.
I don't care, But Jesus loves the worst of sinners. I just pray that God has mercy on her.
I have a habbit of praying for wrestlers, actors and people in high places.
The bottom line is We are all humans. We all have feelings, problems, happiness, etc, etc.
what u guys think?
Praise God!!!