Anna Nicole Smith
I'm guessing everyone heard to news. I was working at the time and saw at the spanish news show, " El Gordo y la Flace" ( The fat man and Skinny lady) something like that. It's a spanish thing. Yeah.
ANywhoooo, I was heart broken. I have seen her and know her history and stuff, I hurts that she has been through some hard situations.
I don't care, But Jesus loves the worst of sinners. I just pray that God has mercy on her.
I have a habbit of praying for wrestlers, actors and people in high places.
The bottom line is We are all humans. We all have feelings, problems, happiness, etc, etc.
what u guys think?
Praise God!!!
ANywhoooo, I was heart broken. I have seen her and know her history and stuff, I hurts that she has been through some hard situations.
I don't care, But Jesus loves the worst of sinners. I just pray that God has mercy on her.
I have a habbit of praying for wrestlers, actors and people in high places.
The bottom line is We are all humans. We all have feelings, problems, happiness, etc, etc.
what u guys think?
Praise God!!!
I don't know what happened...What happened???
She died on Monday afternoon at her hotel room. She was found dead on the floor.
i heard bout it the dingy twin did 2 she is jus slow but anyway i agree with you.............. plus God told us not 2 judge or we will be judged in the Bible...........
IUUUUUUU!! You have time seeing here??? She do porn....
She take drugs. She die for an overdose. right?
yes all that is true
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