
Thankyou my God, I need u

Happy Birthday!! to me. Hey everone today is my Birthday.

Guess how old am i??

Yesterday my fedex delivery came ( dont know if it was the ipod or the case),

I really wanted to get my mail yesterday. I got a noticed that they came but i wasn't there. But i came prepared. I left a release authorization for if i'm not here, someone else can sign for me.

Just a few min. i got my ipod 80 GB black video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i might get the case later on the day, like 5 pm.

God knows what he's doing. Perfect birthday present!! SO nice. I'am so grateful and blessed.




i'am sore!!!!!!!!!

oww owwww, owwww. Last Sunday, i was removing the snow in front of my New church and it was rock hard. So i broke it with the shovel and was swinging crazy doing it. Well the next morning i was sore!!!!!!! owwwww. My triceps muscle on both arms were hurting. Left hand forearm was like oww. Today, am still sore but its bearable. At least when all this soreness goes away, I will have my triceps muscle mo cut and strong. grrr.

owww. was flexing and my arm was sore. ;)

Hey, hopefully today at 12:30 am or something like that, i will receive my ipod case and this friday my New Ipod 80 gb black video!!!!!!! I waited like4 weeks to get this.

I want to get PS 3. $600. yeahh.....